Final reflection, final post?

Wheww, so we’ve reached the conclusion of our intensive six week course. This last post is supposed to be my reflection on my project…but I think I’d rather reflect on the blogging! I believe many students in the course would agree that the blog was a bigger ‘learning curve’ than the final project. For me that’s certainly where a huge chunk of my time, thoughts, and learning has happened.

When I started this blog, my first post was a challenge to myself (and my teachers!) to discover whether or not I was, and wanted to be a blogger. And after six weeks, numerous blog posts, some welcomed comments and some unwelcome ‘re-tweets’ (thanks very much Andy, I was trying to remain incognito!), I’d have to say the verdict is…yikes, a hung jury. Or at least the jury is still out! Since I’m continuing on with taking classes towards the Certificate of Educational Technology and Information Literacy, I have a sneaking suspicion that I won’t have much choice in the matter.

Writing the posts is getting easier, I don’t suffer near the same level of anxiety I did at the outset. However, I still have mini panic attacks when I think of complete strangers reading my words and thoughts. At the same time, when someone I didn’t really know commented on my blog…it was kind of neat!

I am not convinced, however, that blogging is something I will want to continue. I think partly because I feel the need to try and balance Jeff out a bit! Also, I made a promise to Clarence’s wife to start a Widows of the Web support group to help those of us who often lose their spouses to that virtual world out there. Of course, the best way to reach all of those other Web Widows and connect would probably be through the Internet…

So I guess I will continue to explore, expand, and push my thinking. I will attempt to see how and if this idea of blogging fits into my life. Until the next post, signing off.

– The Thinking Chick

2 thoughts on “Final reflection, final post?”

  1. Even though we are already “real” friends, I hope that you’ll continue blogging. It’s been interesting to get to know you better this way. Btw, Jacqueline laughed when I showed her your “widows of the web” paragraph. You’re developing an interesting voice, a much needed international perspective. You can see clearly both sides of issues. So know that if you don’t post again, you’ve already taught me a few things in your blogging career! Thanks for sharing.

  2. Daneah… I would join the widows (& widows) of the web support group. After all, it should be a place to connect with those of us who have spouses who use the web more than us! In my house that is saying something!

    BTW… you should keep blogging. I can hear your voice in your posts and it is a great way to stay connected to those of us who miss you and don’t get to have the pleasure of your company. The mere thought of Screen Free week without you seems so sad and so pointless. I looked forward to using my computer for a week filled with complete guilt and anguish.

    You can thank me later for restraining myself from that retweet line at the end of your post.

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